

Huang, An-Ni
黃安婗/ 副教授

Email: anhuang@mail.cgu.edu.tw

電話:03-2118800 Ext.5284



  • 2006/09-2012/05-長庚大學化工與材料工程學系/博士
  • 2002/09-2006/06-元智大學化學工程與材料科學學系/學士


  • 2020/10-Editor, Advanced Powder Technology
  • 2020/02-長庚大學副教授
  • 2017/04-2020/01-長庚大學副研究員
  • 2015/10-2017/03-日本廣島大學化工系助理教授
  • 2012/06-2015/09-長庚大學博士後研究員




  1. Huang, A.N., Cheng, T.H., Kuo, H.P. (2020) A study of the axial and radial competition segregation in a rotating drum with internal diameter changing. AIChE Journal, in press.
  2. Lin, C.Y., Wang, H.C., Hsu, W.Y., Huang, A.N.*, Kuo, H.P. (2019). Stage-wise characterization of the high shear granulation process by impeller torque changing rate. Advanced Powder Technology, 30, 1513-1521.
  3. Kuo, H.P., Yang, Y.N., Huang, A.N. (2019). A kinetic study of CFB boiler separated bottom ashes during the steam hydration reaction. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 94, 124-128.
  4. Huang, A.N., Kuo, H.P. (2018). CFD simulation of particle segregation in a rotating drum. Part II: Effects of specularity coefficient. Advanced Powder Technology, 29, 3368-3374.
  5. Huang, A.N., Ito, K., Fukasawa, T., Yoshida, H., Kuo, H.P., Fukui, K. (2018). Classification performance analysis of a novel cyclone with a slit on the conical part by CFD simulation. Separation and Purification Technology, 190, 25-32.


計畫名稱 金額 執行期限 補助單位
由電腦斷層建立人體鼻腔流場CFD模擬技術 771,000 2019/08/01-2020/07/31 科技部
粉煤鍋爐溫度與產物分析 1,000,000 2019/03/01-2020/02/29 台塑公司
填充床料幾何形狀對壓力降之影響分析 1,400,000 2019/05/01-2020/04/30 台塑公司
噴霧乾燥機內液滴運動特性分析 450,000 2019/07/01-2020/06/30 台塑公司
碳纖乾噴濕紡紡絲模擬 1,000,000 2019/07/01-2020/06/30 台塑公司
